Saturday, April 9, 2011

GRAUNCH!!! - No Drive...?

A short, inexpensive drive for lunch out of town was to be the most expensive short drive for lunch out of town I had ever encountered.

Coming through a round-a-bout on the way home - (Not doing a qualifying lap for the Australian G.P. or anything!) It seemed that the standard C.V. joint had had enough. - (Although at that time, an R.A.C.V. Truck driver with some experience on the tools and I had both gathered the differential had failed as it is a common thing with these vehicles and that drive would enter the differential but not leave it.) Only to be proven wrong once the differential was removed and the new differential had been purchased!

So after a number of phone calls and discussions with both local mechanics and a Melbourne based BMW race company - Meridian Motorsports, I came to the conclusion that the differential in my XR would no longer be a standard run of the mill item that would simply require replacement at a later stage anyway. I had chosen to run a KAAZ 2-way Limited Slip Differential - An item that is basically an active type clutch operated locking differential that locks both the left and right drive wheels under acceleration AND deceleration... Although a Race item, a good decision for a vehicle that I was working towards - power and daily driven constant use. It uses clutch operation to provide slip at low throttle openings (although the slip of the clutch discs does emit a 'thud' noise which being the independent rear suspended car that it is, basically amplifies the noise through the cabin like a drum as the diff casing is mounted to the cabin's underside.) Un-welcomed by most and can get on your nerves at times but a necessary evil in my mind as I do not wish to remove the rear suspension system too frequently. This slip is something that neither a 'Spool', 'Mini Spool' or a welded setup allows which gives the owner extended tire life as the tires are not constantly being punished through U-turns and tight turns alike. Although it loses none of the locking action that the others have under hard acceleration and deceleration and is manufactured and basically torture tested before you receive the item as this is a complete diff center replacement.
As opposed to a Full Spool:
A Mini Spool:
Or a Welded diff:

While the center was being replaced by the guru's of Wodonga Automatic Transmissions I had packaged up and sent them a set of diff gear replacements. The factory provides the XR with a ratio of 3.45:1 which gives a good balance of acceleration, cruise and fuel consumption. I chose to replace mine with a 3.9:1 ratio to provide me with a hint more acceleration but not as exaggerated as the 4.11:1 which is the common replacement amongst Ford's and Holden's. This after all is my daily driving car and is a comfortable Grand Tourer so RPM's need to be kept respectable to keep me out of every fuel station I see but still get the car up and going a touch more responsively than the next XR.

But the issue was not to be the differential... A constant velocity joint had been the cause of this initial GRAUNCH that had prematurely ended my drive. So the lads of Twin City C.V. Joint got me a set of Heavy Duty C.V.'s and shafts to keep my drive more peaceful and less GRAUNCHey while in the meantime the guys of Wodonga Automatic Transmissions replaced my mount bush in the rear suspension system to save removal and replacement at a later date. This, like my other bushings to be replaced was a Nolathane item - a superior replacement to the factory item.

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